Tags Système


Element definition

tpl:SysBehavior - Call a given behavior

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • behavior = CDATA IMPLIED. -- behavior to call


Element definition

tpl:SysIf - System settings tester container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • categories = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if categories are set in current context (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
  • posts = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if posts are set in current context (value : 1) or not (value : 0)
  • blog_lang = CDATA IMPLIED. -- tests if blog language is the one given in parameter
  • has_tpl = CDATA IMPLIED. -- tests if a named template exists
  • has_tag = CDATA IMPLIED. -- tests if a named template tag exists
  • comments_active = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if comments are enabled blog-wide
  • pings_active = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if trackbacks are enabled blog-wide
  • wiki_comments = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if wiki syntax is enabled for comments
  • operator = (and|or) IMPLIED. -- combination of conditions, if more than 1 specifiec (default: and)


Element definition

tpl:SysIfCommentPublished - Container displayed if comment has been published

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:SysIfCommentPending - Container displayed if comment is pending after submission

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:SysFeedSubtitle - Feed subtitle

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:SysIfFormError - Container displayed if an error has been detected after form submission

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:SysIfFormError - Form error

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

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