Tags Commentaires et Rétroliens


Element definition

tpl:Comments - Comments container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • with_pings = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- include trackbacks in request
  • lastn = CDATA IMPLIED. -- restrict the number of entries
  • order = (desc|asc) IMPLIED. -- result ordering (default: asc)


Element definition

tpl:CommentAuthor - Comment author

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Element definition

tpl:CommentAuthorLink - Comment author link

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentAuthorURL - Comment author URL

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentContent - Comment content

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • absolute_urls = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- convert URLS to absolute urls


Element definition

tpl:CommentDate - Comment date

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • format = CDATA IMPLIED. -- date format (encoded in dc:str by default if iso8601 or rfc822 not specified)
  • iso8601 = CDATA IMPLIED. -- if set, tells that date format is ISO 8601
  • rfc822 = CDATA IMPLIED. -- if set, tells that date format is RFC 822


Element definition

tpl:CommentTime - Comment date

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • format = CDATA IMPLIED. -- time format


Element definition

tpl:CommentEmail - Comment author email

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • spam_protected = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- protect email from spam (default: 1)


Element definition

tpl:CommentEntryTitle - Title of the comment entry

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentFeedID - Comment feed ID

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentID - Comment ID

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentIf - test container for comments

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • is_ping = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- test if comment is a trackback (value : 1) or not (value : 0)


Element definition

tpl:CommentIfFirst - displays value if comment is the first one

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • return = CDATA IMPLIED. -- value to display in case of success (default: first)


Element definition

tpl:CommentIfMe - displays value if comment is the from the entry author

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • return = CDATA IMPLIED. -- value to display in case of success (default: me)


Element definition

tpl:CommentIfOdd - displays value if comment is at an odd position

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • return = CDATA IMPLIED. -- value to display in case of success (default: odd)


Element definition

tpl:CommentIP - Comment author IP

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentOrderNumber - Comment order in page

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentsFooter - Last comments result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:CommentsHeader - First comments result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:CommentPostURL - Comment Entry URL

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:IfCommentAuthorEmail - Container displayed if comment author email is set

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:IfCommentPreview - Container displayed if comment is being previewed

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:CommentPreviewName - Author name for the previewed comment

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentPreviewEmail - Author email for the previewed comment

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentPreviewSite - Author site for the previewed comment

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:CommentPreviewContent - Content of the previewed comment

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • raw = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- display comment in raw content


Element definition

tpl:PingBlogName - Trackback blog name

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingContent - Trackback content

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingDate - Trackback date

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • format = CDATA IMPLIED. -- date format (encoded in dc:str by default if iso8601 or rfc822 not specified)
  • iso8601 = CDATA IMPLIED. -- if set, tells that date format is ISO 8601
  • rfc822 = CDATA IMPLIED. -- if set, tells that date format is RFC 822


Element definition

tpl:PingTime - Trackback date

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • format = CDATA IMPLIED. -- time format


Element definition

tpl:PingEntryTitle - Trackback entry title

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingFeedID - Trackback feed ID

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingID - Trackback ID

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingIfFirst - displays value if trackback is the first one

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • return = CDATA IMPLIED. -- value to display in case of success (default: first)


Element definition

tpl:PingIfOdd - displays value if trackback is at an odd position

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • return = CDATA IMPLIED. -- value to display in case of success (default: odd)


Element definition

tpl:PingIP - Trackback author IP

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingNoFollow - displays 'rel="nofollow"' if set in blog

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingOrderNumber - Trackback order in page

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingPostURL - Trackback Entry URL

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:Pings - Trackbacks container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • with_pings = (0|1) IMPLIED. -- include trackbacks in request
  • lastn = CDATA IMPLIED. -- restrict the number of entries
  • order = (desc|asc) IMPLIED. -- result ordering (default: asc)


Element definition

tpl:PingsFooter - Last trackbacks result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:PingsHeader - First trackbacks result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:PingTitle - Trackback title

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:PingAuthorURL - Trackback author URL

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

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