
Blog Dotclear » Archives » août 2020

2020 août 17

Dotclear 2.17.2

Une version de maintenance qui règle deux problèmes mineurs avec Safari.

2020 août 15

Dotclear 2.17.1

Une version de maintenance pour régler un problème posé par Chrome avec les champs mot de passe optionnels des billets et pages.

2020 août 13

Dotclear 2.17

Voilà la « Jurassic blog edition », aka Dotclear 2.17 pour fêter les 17 années d'existence de Dotclear ce jour \o/

Le CHANGELOG associé (j'ai la flemme de traduire) :

* 🐘 PHP 5.6+ is required, PHP 7.4 compliance
* 🛡 Security: Password is now needed to export blog settings and contents (full/simple)
* Themes can now be cloned
* New helper button (show/hide) for password fields
* Enhancement of filter/sort usage for lists (posts, comments, …)
* 3rd automatic theme for backend theme (which follow OS setting)
* Authentication (backend) and password form (public for password protected entry) have been redesigned
* Add a Cancel button wherever relevant in backend
* PHP files can now be edited in Theme editor
* Plugins may now use SVG icon rather than JPG/PNG
* Black/White list names become Block/Allow list (antispam)
* Wiki: subscript syntax changed from _subscript_ to ,,subscript,,
* Wiki: add ;;span-content;; syntax
* Wiki: add §§attributes[|list attributes]§§ for blocks (at end of the 1st line of block)
* Wiki: add §attributes§ for inline elements (just before closing marker, warning: cannot be nested)
* Tpl: Add {{tpl:BlogNbEntriesFirstPage}} and {{tpl:BlogNbEntriesPerPage}}
* Tpl: Add optional even attribute to <tpl:EntryIfOdd>, <tpl:CommentIfOdd> and <tpl:PingIfOdd>
* Tpl: Add author="…" as attribute of <tpl:EntryIf>
* Sys: Add several behaviors, coreBeforeImageMetaCreate, themeBeforeClone and themeAfterClone
* a11y: Reduce motion if required in provided themes and backend
* Lib: Update jQuery to 3.5.1 (backend and public)
* Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.55.0
* Lib: CKEditor new color palette (configurable)
* Fix: Notification system refactored (now based on db rather than PHP Session)
* Fix: Missing confirmation before closing modified forms / unecessary confirmation asked before closing not modified forms
* i18n: Switch from Transifex to Crowdin for localisation purpose (
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

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