Voilà la « Jurassic blog edition », aka Dotclear 2.17 pour fêter les 17 années d'existence de Dotclear ce jour \o/

Le CHANGELOG associé (j'ai la flemme de traduire) :

* 🐘 PHP 5.6+ is required, PHP 7.4 compliance
* 🛡 Security: Password is now needed to export blog settings and contents (full/simple)
* Themes can now be cloned
* New helper button (show/hide) for password fields
* Enhancement of filter/sort usage for lists (posts, comments, …)
* 3rd automatic theme for backend theme (which follow OS setting)
* Authentication (backend) and password form (public for password protected entry) have been redesigned
* Add a Cancel button wherever relevant in backend
* PHP files can now be edited in Theme editor
* Plugins may now use SVG icon rather than JPG/PNG
* Black/White list names become Block/Allow list (antispam)
* Wiki: subscript syntax changed from _subscript_ to ,,subscript,,
* Wiki: add ;;span-content;; syntax
* Wiki: add §§attributes[|list attributes]§§ for blocks (at end of the 1st line of block)
* Wiki: add §attributes§ for inline elements (just before closing marker, warning: cannot be nested)
* Tpl: Add {{tpl:BlogNbEntriesFirstPage}} and {{tpl:BlogNbEntriesPerPage}}
* Tpl: Add optional even attribute to <tpl:EntryIfOdd>, <tpl:CommentIfOdd> and <tpl:PingIfOdd>
* Tpl: Add author="…" as attribute of <tpl:EntryIf>
* Sys: Add several behaviors, coreBeforeImageMetaCreate, themeBeforeClone and themeAfterClone
* a11y: Reduce motion if required in provided themes and backend
* Lib: Update jQuery to 3.5.1 (backend and public)
* Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.55.0
* Lib: CKEditor new color palette (configurable)
* Fix: Notification system refactored (now based on db rather than PHP Session)
* Fix: Missing confirmation before closing modified forms / unecessary confirmation asked before closing not modified forms
* i18n: Switch from Transifex to Crowdin for localisation purpose (https://dotclear.crowdin.com/)
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments