Table des matières

Tags Archives


Element definition

tpl:Archives - Archives dates loop

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • type = (day|month|year) IMPLIED. Get days, months or years, default to month
  • category = CDATA IMPLIED. Get dates of given category
  • order = (asc|desc) IMPLIED. Sort asc or desc
  • post_type = CDATA IMPLIED. Get dates of given type of entries, default to post


Element definition

tpl:ArchivesHeader - First archives result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:ArchivesFooter - Last archives result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:ArchivesYearHeader - First result of year in archives container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:ArchivesYearFooter - Last result of year in archives container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required


Element definition

tpl:ArchiveDate - Archive result date

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden

Attributes definition

  • format = CDATA IMPLIED. Date format (Default %B %Y)


Element definition

tpl:ArchiveEntriesCount - Current archive result number of entries

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden


Element definition

tpl:ArchiveNext - Next archive result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • type = (day|month|year) IMPLIED. Get days, months or years, default to month
  • post_type = CDATA IMPLIED. Get dates of given type of entries, default to post


Element definition

tpl:ArchivePrevious - Previous archive result container

Start tag: Required, End tag: Required

Attributes definition

  • type = (day|month|year) IMPLIED. Get days, months or years, default to month
  • post_type = CDATA IMPLIED. Get dates of given type of entries, default to post


Element definition

tpl:ArchiveURL - Current archive result URL

Start tag: Required, End tag: Forbidden